Kim Mun

Since the beginning of his career in 2000, Kim Mun’s work has graced many local and International agencies. He’s most noticeably known for his Fashion, Beauty and Celebrities shots. Besides that Kim Mun has also made a mark in Print Commercial for Malaysia, China and Vietnam market. He has developed a unique and personalised style of photography and believes in going back to the basics to get right to the heart of the subjects he shoots, thus revealing their most natural emotions for the image.

Kim Mun’s body of work not only reflects his technical expertise but also his ability to establish a rapport with the individuals he photographs. By creating a comfortable and trusting environment, he brings out the best in his subjects, enabling them to express themselves freely and authentically.

In 2019, Kim Mun’s transition to the Sony A7 series brought a significant transformation to his photography journey. This change empowered him to capture the essence of his subjects and elevate the quality of his work. His favourite tools in the A7 series were the fast autofocus and precise eye focus, which enabled him to create breath-taking images that showcased his artistic vision and dedication to photography.

Over time, Kim Mun’s mastery of the Sony A7 series grew, and his portfolio flourished with stunning visuals that showcased the true potential of this remarkable camera system. He became known for his exceptional use of autofocus and eye-focus, leaving a lasting impression on his audience and fellow photographers alike.

Overall, Kim Mun is an accomplished photographer with a diverse portfolio covering fashion, beauty, celebrities, and commercial photography. His commitment to developing a unique style and authenticity makes his work captivating and impactful. As he continues to explore and push the boundaries of his craft, Kim Mun remains an influential figure in the High Fashion photography industry in Malaysia.